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Why does the lottery have bad effects on the individuals who play it? For starters, gambling has been prohibited by Islam, and in fact, the Koran expressly forbids it. Gambling is haram according to the Koran and any other Islamic books. One of the reasons why the lottery is bad for people is that the more people play it, the more are the chances of winning and so it becomes a bigger source of income. Nowadays, with the help of internet technology and also new technology coming up, people can get access to a lot of information about how to play the lottery online. This means that playing the lotto online is very dangerous because all tips and tricks about winning the jackpot will be available for the player.

This means that while people may think they can get rich quick and win millions overnight, this is something that is not possible. It may look like the jackpot will come their way, but in reality, it is just a virtual representation of money. While playing lotto online, one has no control over the jackpot and won't know when it will arrive, why it will arrive and how will they spend it when it arrives.

Worse, these games do not teach important values such as honesty and integrity. What is worse is that there are websites that don't even have a check on the qualifications of the people who sign up. So this means that there is a big chance that a person might sign up with an invalid ID or even a person with a stolen identity. These are some of the most obvious and bad effects of why the lottery is bad.

Next, one has to consider why a person would want to play a game of lottery. Now, this is a hard one because most of us do not have an honest answer for that. The honest answer is that playing a game of lotto is one of the simplest ways to make money. It is not a very complicated game and anyone can easily learn how to play. Also, we should consider that we only get to play this once in our life so why not take the chance and play for free.

Lastly, another question we may ask ourselves why the lottery is bad is about addiction. Addiction is not a new problem and it was not invented overnight. What is worse is that because of the popularity of the lottery, there are scam agencies that are looking to prey on people desperate to win. If they succeed in getting their money from you, then you will be left with nothing but regret.

So why the lottery is bad? As mentioned earlier, it is bad if you get involved with scams. As you see, lottery ticket scams are everywhere and it is easy to fall into. The next time you play, be careful of who you are going to buy it from. Remember that why the lottery is bad is because we do not want to regret things that we have done.

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